ARAMCO Houston Half Marathon - Houston, Texas

The ARAMCO 13.1 Half Marathon in Houston, Texas was such an exciting event for runners and fitness enthusiasts alike. Hosted by the Chevron Houston Marathon, this race offers participants the opportunity to push their limits and challenge themselves physically and mentally.

One of the highlights of the event is the Health and Fitness Expo, where runners and fitness enthusiasts can explore the latest in running gear, nutrition, and training techniques. We provided three unique photo experiences at the expo to capture the memories of the race for attendees!

First, there was the boomerang GIF experience where guests could take a quick and fun video of themselves and share it with friends and family. Next, the virtual background photo opportunity gave guests the chance to pretend they were crossing a virtual finish line, making them feel like they were really in the race. Lastly, the immersive 360 photo booth experience allowed guests to capture a full-circle panoramic video of themselves, giving them a truly unique keepsake of the event.

Good luck to everyone running!

Ryan Salinas

I’m a Texan that lives in Vegas with lots of opinions and occasionally I take pictures of things. 


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